
DSC PRO Basic Non-Interactive Tri-Path Home Alarm Monitoring Services and Daily Supervision Test (Powered by Alula Communicators)

DSC PRO Basic Non-Interactive Tri-Path Home Alarm Monitoring Services and Daily Supervision Test (Powered by Alula Communicators)
DSC PRO Basic Non-Interactive Tri-Path Home Alarm Monitoring Services and Daily Supervision Test (Powered by Alula Communicators)
Activation: $50.00
Our Setup: $10.00
24/7 PRO Central Monitoring Plan:  Tri-Path Communications:  Control Panel Protection:  Alarm Communicator Supervision:  Bypass Sensors and Notifications:  Open/Close Notifications:  Supervision and Trouble Notifications:  Sensor Test Notifications:  Text/Email/Voice Notifications:  Dedicated Private Network:  Add a Test Timer (Used to Monitor Panel Heartbeat)?: 
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